
Showing is the beauty contest of the carriage driving world, where owners of everything from mighty minis, darling Welshies, stylish hackneys and powerful draughts get to show not only their horse’s beauty, but its style and grace in harness.

Whether it be in a neat little jogger, a modern steel carriage, a powerful dray or a beautiful piece of timeless elegance, all are welcome to come and strut their stuff in the showring.

A very uncomplicated discipline, where basic driving skills are required to have a fun day in classes including turnout, both accurately historic or modern, driven exhibit, sporting, pleasure and driver classes. Usually, a single judge will inspect the turnouts and ask for a simple workout and choose the exhibit that most appeals to them in beauty, style and manners.

The ACDS holds Showing competitions, but classes can be found at most Agricultural and breed shows across the state, including the pinnacle of Royal Shows across the country.

In Victoria each discipline is overseen by a Convenor and a panel of members particularly interested in that discipline.    Convenors and panels give guidance to clubs on their events, programs and the rules pertaining to that discipline.

Show Driving Convenor: Di Boardman –

Show Driving Panel: Matthew Marriott, Jane Christie, Roberta Earley, Alison McDiarmid