Combined Driving

Combined Driving Events (CDE) consists of three phases, dressage, marathon and cones.  Basically all three phases are completed and the winner has the lowest penalties overall.   Classes are divided into Small and Large ponies, horses, pairs (two ponies/ horses), tandem (ponies and horses) and teams ( four horses or ponies).   We also split classes according to the experience of the horses/ponies – Novice, Intermediate and Open.

Dressage – a set of tasks performed by memory in an arena.  The tasks are performed in an arena (usually 100m x 40m) to display the level of training the horse has reached.   A Novice horse or pony  performs simpler tasks than those asked of the Open class horses. Dressage tests are designed to show a horse’s obedience, submission and suppleness.

Marathon – this phase again tests the obedience and suppleness but also the fitness of the horse.   Drivers manoeuvre their horses through a set of obstacles by passing through “gates” marked A – F (Novice do A – D).  Drivers do this as quickly and efficiently as they can after spending much time learning which route they will take.   As long as they do the gates in alphabetical order, the route does not matter.   Drivers need to do this from memory (with help from their backstepper) and will have spent much time learning which route they will take.

Cones – The cones are set up rather like a show jumping course, but instead of jumping the driver must guide the horse between pairs of cones, set just wider than the carriage.  Each cones has a ball on top and the driver loses points if a cones is dislodged.   The driver also has a set time to complete the course so has to keep moving at a brisk pace but not knock down any balls.

In Victoria each discipline is overseen by a Convenor and a panel of members particularly interested in that discipline.    Convenors and panels give guidance to clubs on their events, programs and the rules pertaining to that discipline.

CDE Convenor: Claire Harris –

CDE Panel: Lorraine Cairns, Peter Lee, Nicole Linic, Tracey Tuohy, Belinda Drury