Mal Edwards Story

Mal Edwards Memorial Trophy

Awarded to: Best Performance by a Novice Pony in the Marathon

Mal (Malcolm Wesley) Edwards was a well-known face on the Carriage Driving Circuit. A keen competitor, especially in the marathon phase, Mal competed in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and ACT. Born on October 22nd, 1939 Mal had a passion for new challenges and during his school days in Pascoe Vale won many trophies for swimming.

A “jack of all trades” during his long working life, some of his achievements included building the first Okanui surfboards in Australia; building one of the first slot-car race tracks in Australia; building a trimaran which led to founding the Trimaran Yacht Club in Victoria; owning a hamburger shop; drag racing; teaching at technical schools; owning a pattern making and foundry business.

Mal became acquainted with the joys of the equestrian world in 1987 when he, wife Anne, and daughters Kate and Louise moved to Diamond Creek. He became Vice President of the Diamond Creek Pony Club in 1989 where he was instrumental in re-starting an adult riding group.

In 1991 the Edwards moved to Nutfield and in 1993 Mal was introduced to the sport of Carriage Driving by Graham and Chris Brookes whom he met through the Buckskin Society. Mal, looking for their property literally followed a team of horses driven by Gavin Robson, down the Brookes’ driveway. From then on he was hooked. Mal’s first sighting of a CDE was at the Romsey event in 1993. His first drive as a competitor was at the Echuca CDE in February 1994 followed one week later with another one at Labertouche.

Mal quickly discovered the joys of competition despite dressage being the “worry of his life”. Not too keen on dressing up Mal occasionally ventured into the show ring. Mal’s distinctive “Laser Plus” dual cab and “home away from home” float were a familiar sight at many events. Anne’s “chockie cake” was also familiar to many recipients of the Edwards’ hospitality.

An active and enthusiastic member, Mal was Vice-President of the Oaklands Horse and Driving Club. He was always available to assist beginners and willingly gave up his precious spare time to help anyone who needed help of any kind.

Mal’s final competition was in October 1999 at a Dressage and Cones Day and many of you would have seen him at Equitana HDT where he came to watch his horse Geroa Wings compete in a team.

After a brief illness, Mal died peacefully on January 10th 2000. He is greatly missed by his family and friends in the driving world.

Many thanks to Anne Edwards and Kate Edwards for their contribution to this page.