Graded Driven Dressage

Dressage Convenor:

Michelle Jones        

Dressage Panel:                                                                 

Alice Austin

Claire Harris  

Mandy Lawrence 

Vicki Stevenson

Dawn Walter

Non-ACDS Grooom Participation Form


Graded Driven Dressage

2024/2025 series


GDDQ Proforma 2024/25

How to fill in Proforma

The Driven Dressage Rule Book and Guidelines, the National Driven Dressage Grading list and a list of all current Dressage Judges are available on the Federal Website under Member Resources

Victorian Dressage Judges

A list of all Dressage Judges, including Victorian judges, can be found on the Federal Website under the About Us tab.


Freestyle to Music

Information about required movements are printed in the Driven Dressage Rule Book and Guidelines  which can be found on the Federal Website

Diagonal Yield Notes for Judges and Drivers



Dressage Abbreviations



Information for the Dressage Penciller





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Updated July 17th, 2024